Program for Monday, June 3

09:00 - 09:15     Welcome address and Monte Verita intro (Auditorium)

09:15 - 10:15      Andreas Lange: Ambiguity attitudes and surprises: Experimental evidence on communicating new information within a large population sample (Auditorium). Chair: Beat Hintermann

10:15 - 11:00      Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30      Parallel Sessions 1

Climate policy I: Multi-country models (Auditorium)  Empirical effects on households: Lab, survey and field experiments (Sala Balinth)

Mads Greaker: International cooperation on the environment: The case for a green innovation club

Ralph Winkler: On the relationship between adaptation and mitigation

Aleksandra Friedl: Green energy transition: Decarbonisation of developing countries and the role of technological spillovers

Christian Traeger: SOLACE – Solar geoengineering in an analytic climate economy

Franziska Harpenau: Saving behaviors of private households under varying tariff structures, price levels and incentives - Experimental evidence

Beaumont Schoeman: Pigovian transport pricing in practice

Sofia Badini: Information frictions, overconfidence, and learning: Experimental evidence from a floodplain

Bruno Lanz: CO2 abatement under monetary incentives and injunctive norms: A real effort experiment

Distributive aspects of climate policy (Sala Eranos)Trade and the environment: Theory (Sala Pioda)

Felix Knopp: Compensating for carbon pricing with loss aversion - An optimal taxation modeling approach

Philipp M. Richter: Redistributing emission tax revenues: The impact on occupational choice decisions

Simon Lang: Welfare-maximizing climate policy and the role of climate finance

Doina Radulescu: Unveiling the energy price tag - Assessing the regressivity of household energy expenditures among European countries

Gilbert Kollenbach: Tradable green energy and unilateral climate policy

Youssef Salib: BCA and reshuffling: A theoretical framework

Timothé Beaufils: A carrot or a stick? The potential of carbon border adjustments to foster climate cooperation

Givi Melkadze: Carbon taxes and tariffs, financial frictions, and international spillovers

12:30 - 14:00      Lunch (Ristorante)

14:00 - 15:30      Parallel Sessions 2

Pricing of risk (Auditorium)  Empirical effects on households: natural experiments and policy evaluation (Sala Balinth)

Rick van der Ploeg: Three reasons to price carbon under uncertainty: Accuracy of simple rules

Christoph Hambel: Pricing in transition and physical risks: Carbon premiums and stranded assets

Taco Prins: Optimal flood protection

Alexandra Brausmann: Misfortunes never come singly: Managing the risk of chain disasters

Maximilian Amberg: Large-scale evidence of residential natural gas savings through financial rewards

Jacqueline Adelowo: Extreme weather events, blackouts, and household adaptation

Claire Alestra: Powering down nuclear: A multidimensional impact evaluation of the German case

Moritz Drupp: De-fueling externalities: Causal effects of fuel taxation and mediating mechanisms for reducing climate and pollution costs

Renewable resources (Sala Eranos)

Climate policy II (Sala Pioda)

Claudia Kelsall: Imperfect insurance and spatial externalities in renewable resource use

Pauli Lappi: Restoring the commons: optimizing the restoration of natural assets

Olli Tahvonen: Reinforcement learning in optimizing forestry for wood production and carbon sinks

Martin Quaas: Fisheries management from a fisherman’s perspective

Alena Miftakhova: Boosting sluggish climate policy: Endogenous substitution, learning, and energy efficiency improvements

Anna-Maria Goeth: Capital adjustment costs and nationally determined contributions - How to avoid double transitions of energy capital?

Jakob Roth: Pigovian pricing to support E-biking

15:30 - 16:15      Coffee Break

16:15 - 17:25      Parallel Sessions 3

Technological change, growth and the role of the state (Auditorium)

Lock-in and technology (Sala Balinth)

Pietro Peretto: Government spending and industrialization in a Schumpeterian economy

Bentley Coffey: The economic effects of policy interventions to curtail fossil fuel commodities

Frank C. Krysiak: Control or efficiency: Should private firms or state-owned enterprises drive green technological change?


Rik Rozendaal: Market power, innovation, and the green transition

Kian Abbas Nejad: Heterogeneous beliefs, learning and multiplicity in directed technical change

Gerard van der Meijden: Road networks and tropical deforestation


Political economy: Theory (Sala Eranos)

Circular economy and transformation of jobs (Sala Pioda)

Waldemar Marz: Income inequality and climate policy polarization

Yasmine Van der Straten: Political economy of climate change adaptation

Jean-Phillippe Nicolai: Lobbying on environmental standards under deep trade agreements


Julie Metta: Labour supply in the circular economy: Balancing growth and mitigating the effects of waste

Christoph Meinerding: Carbon emissions and the supply of green technologies: Evidence from technology-related job postings

Zachary Mahone: Materials, technology and growth: Quantifying the costs of circularity


17:25 - 17:45      Break

17:45 - 18:45      Meredith Fowlie: The economics of wildfires (Auditorium). Chair: Joëlle Noailly

19:00 - 20:30      Dinner (Ristorante)